Learning Type Measure


My assessment has been a closed mindset, an average grit, an INTP personality, and a doing-feeling learning preference. My fixed mindset tells me that I feel that I am unable to change a lot of things about myself. My grit, however, is average, telling me that I tend to stick to difficult tasks at a moderate level. My doing-feeling learning preference hints that I enjoy jumping right into tasks to learn how to do them. Finally, my INTP personality indicates that I am an individual that is interested in possibilities, creativity, and “what ifs”. When looking at all these together, it may seem that my fixed mindset is at odds with the rest of my results, but it can instead be viewed that I like finding out the extent of my potential. I enjoy learning new things and documenting each of my strengths and weaknesses. I may have a difficult time changing myself, but attempting new things interests me.

I’ve sometimes jumped right into learning new instruments, despite my somewhat limited knowledge of music theory. In particular, I have tried to learn the flute, the guitar, and the piano. In the past, when I have encountered setbacks or failures, I would typically give up fairly quickly, and start on something new and different instead. I tried learning the flute, but I could never reliably hit some of the high notes, so I eventually gave up on it. As for the guitar, as any guitarist will tell you, injuries to your fingers while practicing is fairly common, and as I played fairly obsessively for a while, it ended with a painful experience that led to me dropping the instrument altogether. The instrument I had the most success with was the piano, which had the fewest obstacles to success. Not only was it easier to play, but I found the most success when I have reflected on what I want to achieve. I believe I have a greater effect if I set reasonable goals for myself. In terms of other learning styles, my worst is doing-thinking. I believe that a more practical approach to learning, through practice and application, would be able to cover my weakness.

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