My MBTI report fit my personal perception of myself exactly as I envisioned. The most surprising part was how my type was a scarily-accurate representation of myself, from how I often present half-formulated ideas, to how I often appear to drift in an unending daydream. I do not occupy the middle ground at all; I am a very extreme INTP, and the description of the personality matched me perfectly.



According to the INTP personality description, one of my strengths is that I am highly spontaneous, and able to adapt to many situations. For example, I can comfortably tackle problems that are not routine, such as unusual occurrences. The pressures of imminent deadlines help me do better. I am also imaginative, and enjoy finding new and untraditional methods of resolving issues. I may find my own way of performing tasks than simply following the instructions, and this can lead to new discoveries that I would otherwise never find out.

In terms of managing change, I am very open to new things, but am resistant to planning. I enjoy novel ideas, but can be fairly resistant if I disagree with the change. In conflicts, I tend to be critical and questioning, and try to resolve problems as efficiently as possible, but from the information in the portfolio, I realize that I may easily upset others. I should be careful, and I may have to accept things, even if they aren’t perfect. With communication, I am expressive, abstract and critical, so it may be difficult for others to follow my train of thought. I should be careful that my quiet nature does not get in the way of delivering my ideas.



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